He Is DJ...
Book title: I Am Legend
Author: Richard Matheson
Film director: Francis Lawrence
Crosspatch Artist: Fidelia
Bookdrop location: Epoch Coffee, Austin, Tx
Bookdrop date: 5/29/2015
Reference: Original
Note: We ran into some difficulty attempting to find a Non-Horrible Cover to which we might link. We generally define "Non-Horrible" as "a cover design that would not prevent us from purchasing the book." An image search on Google failed to provide us with even one such cover, though it did yield some interesting results. Our favorite of these covers accompanies an article about Richard Matheson's attempt to adapt his book into a screenplay. It is a story which sheds a bit of light on another cover for Richard Matheson's censored and unproduced I Am Legend screenplay, which is the only publication we have ever seen trumpeting its own censored nature.
A post on the blog Too Much Horror Fiction collects a few of the covers this book has been subjected to. Notable among them is a movie tie-in from the 1971 Charlton Heston film The Omega Man which, of course, features the movie title and the actor's face more prominently than the book's actual title.
Also, our younger readers—who may not understand what we are referencing with this particular cover art—would do well to educate themselves on Will Smith's hobbies prior to his inclusion on the Hollywood A-List.