Toy Gump
Book title: Forrest Gump
Author: Winston Groom
Film director: Robert Zemeckis
Crosspatch Artist: Bracatus
Bookdrop location: Cherrywood Coffeehouse, Austin, TX
Bookdrop date: 7/9/2015
Reference: Original | Non-horrible cover
Note: There is an old one-act play performed by high schools all over The United States titled The Actor's Nightmare by Christopher Durang. The protagonist in this play is an actor who finds himself in a play he is unfamiliar with, which shifts to another play he is unfamiliar with, and so on until he dies. This, apparently, is a common nightmare among actors. However, an actor might also awake with a jolt on a moonless night, sweating and trembling with the simultaneously lucid and hazy memory of finding himself on the cover of a non-performance-based work of art, menaced by the phantasm of a fictional character who also does not appear in the book. Both seem equally terrifying.